I firmly believe that Dunkin Donuts coffee is far superior to all other coffees.  I've tried coffee from all parts of the world (or at least that's what the packaging said), including Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, Hawaiian Kona coffee, and various kinds of Colombian coffee.  I've tried coffee from many different stores and shops, including Starbucks, QuickChek, Panera, and Wawa.  But nothing I've tried really stands out from any of the others.  If I was blindfolded and asked to identify the coffee based on its taste, I wouldn't be able to.  Unless it was Dunkin Donuts coffee.  Their coffee actually tastes different from all the rest.  It has a nice simple, smooth taste.  Many people tell me that Starbucks makes the best coffee.  But whenever I go there, I can't add enough sugar and/or creamer to make the coffee drinkable.  That's because it's incredibly strong coffee.  It's man coffee.  It's like the Guinness of coffee.  When I drink coffee, I don't enjoy struggling to pour it down my throat.  I don't need an incredible caffeine boost.  I don't need to feel like a man.  I just want a warm beverage that might help me wake up.  Dunkin Donuts is the best for this.  And although it's not cheap ($1.25 for a small cup, compared to $0.99 for a larger cup at most places or $10.99 for a small cup at Starbucks), it's worth the money.  Part of the cost probably comes from the sugar and creamer being added before it's given to you.  That's also part of the reason why it's so good:  It's dependable.  A coffee from a Dunkin Donuts in New Jersey will taste exactly the same as one from California. #food