Some people complain a lot.  It can be argued that I complain a lot.  But I know people who complain even more than me.  Sometimes people complain just to say something.  And often times, the complaints aren't real or legitimate; they're just there to be funny.  And that's fine.  Comedy can always be appreciated.  But then some other people complain because they're literally not satisfied with anything.  "My steak has some pink in it, but I wanted more pink."  "There's not enough dressing on my salad."  "My ice is too cold." (made that one up). 

The difference between a good complaint and a bad complaint is that a good one has an action associated with it.  If you have a complaint about your food at a restaurant, do something about it.  Get the waiter to take it back to the chef so he can spit on it.  Get off your butt and get your own salad dressing.  If all you plan to do is sit there and complain about it, don't expect me to listen or care.  (I'm not nice.)

Or get a blog and complain about it to the entire world. #psychology