A few weeks ago, I started in a new position at work.  It was a slight change in content, but it was an even bigger change in volume of paperwork (much less now).  It was also an easy move because it was just down the hall.  Around the same time I left the old position, my boss and his boss retired.  They were replaced by two other bosses.  These new bosses don't understand what's going on, so they can't quite understand my recent move.  And what's weird about it is the reaction of my immediate boss, who moved up from a position in the division.  I traveled with him before and talked with him a couple times, so we've interacted a little bit.  Concerning my move, he's kind of sad to see me go.  And that's the same reaction I got from several other people.  What's weird is that I had been sitting upstairs in a cubicle for months and months, and nobody noticed me.  I did little to no work, contributed a significantly minute amount to the division, and interacted with as few people as possible.  But as soon as I leave, people are sad to see me go.  I remind them that I not only still work for the same company, I even work down the hall.  I think the underlying idea here is that people are resistant to change.  I admit that I'm also resistant to change in certain circumstances:  I have things set up a specific way or I'm used to things being a certain way, so I don't like when they're suddenly different.  But the only reason these people feel anything is because something's changing, even though it has absolutely no effect on them. #business